PHILADELPHIA – January 12, 2023 – The National Association of Asian American Professionals – Philadelphia Chapter (NAAAP Philadelphia) has recently appointed Perry Cozzone as a member of its Board of Directors for a three-year term effective January 1, 2023.
Perry was the former President and CEO at CRC Industries and had a passion for transforming organizations and inspiring others to achieve superior results.
Throughout his career, he has consistently accelerated growth and enhanced profitability by building top-performing teams, identifying new go-to-market opportunities, and creating a competitive advantage through operational efficiency and digital enablement. Perry combines a tech foundation with broad expertise across alobal P&L management, operations, business development, and sales and experience in industries spanning startups to multibillion-dollar organizations. He is a diversity and inclusion champion who leads with a commitment to open communication and continuous improvement.
“I am honored to serve as a board member of the Philadelphia Chapter of NAAAP. I look forward to working jointly with NAAAP’s board, our members, and all stakeholders to energize and inspire Asian American leadership and inclusion of all that makes a positive impact on our local businesses and communities,” said Perry Cozzone.
Please join us in welcoming Perry to the Board of Directors!
About NAAAP Philadelphia
NAAAP is an all-volunteer professional non-profit, 501 (c)(3), Pan-Asian American organization that promotes community outreach, career advancement, and leadership development of Asian American professionals in all fields. Since 2004, NAAAP Philadelphia have been proud to be an active supporter in the Greater Philadelphia community by building an “inclusive community”. NAAAP has 35 corporate sponsors and over 500 members. Since 2020, we have been recongized for 8 awards for community outreach and philanthropic work.
- 2022 Civic 50 Honoree – Philadelphia Foundation & Civic 50 Greater
Philadelphia Partners - 2022 Heroes Scholarship Fund of Bucks County Appreciation & Support
Award - 2022 Faces of Philanthropy Award – Philadelphia Business Journal
- 2021 Civic 50 Honoree – Philadelphia Foundation & Civic 50 Greater
Philadelphia Partners - 2021 Faces of Philanthropy Award – Philadelphia Business Journal
- 2021 Outstanding Nonprofit of the Year – Asian American Chamber of Commerce
- 2020 National Chapter of the Year – National Association of Asian
American Professionals - 2020 PHL Diversity Nonprofit Business Award