Join us next Thursday, May 28th for a “Lunch and Learn” live webinar with marketing leaders Min Park, Senior Director of Marketing at WuXi Advanced Therapies, and Shawn Samuel, Senior Manager of Marketing at Comcast.

Having a personal brand that stands out and knowing how to promote yourself could give you the edge when it comes to landing your next promotion or job. Min and Shawn will share insights into marketing and elevating your brand. Kevin He, Manager of Marketing at WuXi Advanced Therapies will moderate this one-hour interactive discussion.
We have opened this event to non-members so share the registration link with a friend or colleague who could benefit from this webinar. Be sure to R.S.V.P. today as spots are limited to join this webinar live
May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. There are two more webinars NAAAP National will host to recognize and celebrate APA culture, traditions, and contributions. For more information and to register please visit http://www.naaap.org/apahm2020/.
While the stay-at-home order is still in place, community service is still a NAAAP priority. We are proud to support Living Beyond Breast Cancer (LBBC) and raise funds for their annual Reach & Raise grassroots fundraising event.
With the generous support of NAAAP leaders, board of directors, members, sponsors, and friends we were able to raise over $2,000 to support LBBC. We thank everyone who joined NAAAP Philadelphia and made a donation. Your generous gift helped make LBBC’s annual Reach and Raise event an inspiring success, with nearly $350,000 raised! On Sunday, May 17th, we joined a thousand others across the area for a virtual yoga session to show our support to those impacted by breast cancer. If you’d like to make a contribution, our page is still open to accepting donations until June 30th. Click here to view NAAAP Philadelphia’s video message to LBBC.


During Asian Pacific Heritage Month, NAAAP National identified notable chapter leaders. We are proud two of NAAAP Philadelphia Chapter leaders were recognized for their significant contributions: Cindy Ng, Executive Vice President and Tommy Choi, Chief Operating Officer.
We are so proud of one of our sponsors, Sang Kee, known for their Peking duck dish. To show their appreciation to healthcare workers, Sang Kee recently delivered meals to those at Lankenau Hospital and Bryn Mawr Hospital.

By now we have all found a way to cope with the stay-at-home order. Many of our members who are working from home are enjoying working in pajamas and not having to deal with their morning commute. Some can’t wait for school to reopen so they can stop having to juggle working and homeschooling.
EZ Lin, with two young kids, blocks off time to work and to be with his family. He says scheduling makes it easier for him to manage both pieces of his life. To stay connected and touch base with his contacts, he has been reaching out to have virtual coffee chats.
Without having to commute to work, Shawn Samuel, has been using that time to listen to inspirational podcasts that are trending and following industry leaders such as Jack Ma, Co-Founder of Alibaba Group, and Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft. He loves to share key learnings with peers and leaders to connect and keep in touch.
Diane Nguyen is taking advantage of streaming services to stay healthy and using most of her spare time to plan with her fiancé their upcoming 2021 wedding.
- NAAAP’s WIN(e) and Dine event on Wednesday, July 1 at 7 p.m. Join us as we host our first virtual Women in NAAAP wine and dine event. Pour your favorite wine or beverage, gather a light snack, and join NAAAP as we host a virtual get-together. Stay tuned for more information.
- The Asian American Women’s Coalition (AAWC) is hosting a virtual banquet to honor their 2020 Scholars on Monday, June 15th. AAWC’s flagship program is the Scholarship Program, offering financial support to college-bound Asian American female students based on merit and financial need. This year, due to COVID-19, AAWC is celebrating by hosting videos of guest speakers along with words from scholars. Moreover, AAWC is aiming to provide scholarships to all applicants to support them in this particular time of need. To learn more about AAWC or to make a donation please visit www.aawcphilly.org.
You can always stay connected with us by checking NAAAP Philadelphia’s website or any and all of our social media platforms: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. If you are not a member, join today by visiting this link: https://naaap-philadelphia.silkstart.com/join.